GURU RAKSHATI PARVATI ….. ||105 || Sri Gurugita :-

Ms. Pallavi Priya from US has written about her journey to Kailash Manasarovara as follows ---

 I hope Param Pujya Gurudev’s health is better. I wanted to convey this message to HIM:

In June, Nilesh and I went to Kailash Manasarovar yatra. This yatra would have been impossible without the grace of Sri Gurudev. It was a very difficult journey. After some time it was very hard to proceed. With every step I remembered Param Pujya Gurudev ji and that’s how I reached the charan of Mount Kailash. I felt that Swamiji guided me all the way through. My namaskar to HIM.

I feel that something has changed inside me after the yatra. It has been almost 2 months now but life hasn’t returned back to normal. I am going to the office, meeting friends etc. but that does not feel very exciting. It seems that there is some other purpose in life but I am not able to figure out what is it.

Then I got an urge to share my feelings with Param Pujya Gurudev. So writing this email to HIM.


Sri Nityananda Puniyatithi

Sri Nityananda Puniyatithi

The 54th Punyatithi of Bhagawan Nityananda was observed on 30th July. At 10 am Nityananda Naam Dhuns were sung and Arati was shown to the great Siddhas. There was special pooja at the newly built temple. A magic show was held for children. This interactive event by Sri Amaranath from Magadi was enjoyed by children thoroughly.

After the entertainment it was time for Prasad. "Bal Bhojan" started . Students from the Government Primary Schools pf Sevanagar and Hosooru were the invited guests. All the children present relished the Prasad.

Next was the most awaited event. All students received stationery packets from the lotus hands of Param Poojya Sri Gurudev.

Education Adoption

Education Adoption

Ms. Amrutha, the Computer Science Engineering student requested for a laptop for her II year Examination. Her demand was met by R. Kirupakaran , Trustee, Siddha Yoga Dham. Ms. Arpitha , the B.Com. student expressed her wish to join the C.A. course concurrently. Sri Nilesh Sinha from U.S.A. and Capt. Amit Ray agreed to co- sponsor this project.

Those who have not yet joined this scheme of Education Adoption are welcome to send their valuable contributions.



Param Poojya Shri Gurudev always encourages village children to come up with new ideas and show their talent. As a result a series of competitions started. The first one was drawing competition, followed by different kind of races and games.

sports competitions concluded with musical chair race. Next in the pipeline were singing and mono act competition.

It was followed by Rangoli competition. Beautiful rangolis were drawn and filled with vibrant colors

All the competitions were of 2 categories: Juniors and seniors. The participants were aged from 5 years to 18 years. Saturdays were for activities and sundays the prize distribution was done.

The series came to an end with the celebration of liberty as all children danced and enjoyed up to their heart content




As decided earlier the children of Doddipalya participated in Drawing Competition on the subject “Environment” on 5th September. On 6th September, the winners received prizes from the lotus hands of Param Poojya Sri Gurudev


The next Saturday, 12th September competitions for the groups of girls and boys were held. First of all it was Frog race followed by circle and sticks game. Finally Tug of War was organized. The prize distribution for all the three events was on 13th September. These activities will continue every weekend.

Sri Nityananda Puniyatithi

Sri Nityananda Punyatithi

Sri Nityananda Punyatithi was observed on 11th August. At 10 am hymns and bhajans were sung along with the Naamdhun remembering gratefully Baba Nityananda. This session concluded with Arati shown to the great Siddha.

The next program was ‘Baal Bhojan’for which students of three Primary schools were invited. All the children had ‘Prasad’ in the front of Janananda Prasad Mandir. After that all of them collected gift from the lotus hands of Param Poojya Sri Gurudev. As it is done in the previous years, white uniform was distributed, this year the recipients were students of the Primary School of Sevanagar.



Education Adaption

Last year Param Poojya Sri Gurudev decided to help deserving poor students for their education. The result is Ms. Amrutha of Thagikuppe(Magadi Taluk), studying in First year Engineering(Computer Science) got accommodation and Food arrangement . HE HIMSELF paid for this from HIS personal account.

Kum. Chaitra(First year P.U.C.), Kum.Shailaja(9th Standard), Vinaya Kumar (7th Standard) all received the School fees, books and stationery, uniform etc. Mr. Ravi Buregoni joined the mission by contributing partly.

Now, this year the devotees were given an appeal to contribute for this noble cause. Ms. Anitha Pradeep took responsibility of helping Amrutha. Ms. Priya Bhave has donated the annual expenses of Kum. Arpitha studying in First year B.Com. . Smt Sonia Kaushik and Sri Naveen Sharma contributed the annual expenses of Kum. Chaitra, Shailaja and Vinaya Kumar.

We request the educated devotees to participate for the noble cause so that more and more poor students can avail this opportunity.