On 24th of October 36th punyatithi of Paramhansa Muktananda was observed. Sharad Poornima is that night on which the moon rays have a very special medicinal effect. It is beneficial to get a peaceful mind and disease free body. In the memory of the great Siddha Guru of this era, 'Sri Vishnu Sahasranaam' was chanted and Arati was offered in His honor.
After this arrangement was made to boil the milk under the open sky. Once everyone had the 'darshan' of the moon in the boiling milk other ingredients were added to milk and the prasad was cooked. Once it is ready, Param Poojya Sri Gurudev added valuable saffron to it, and Prasad was ready. It was kept open for some more time exposed the moon rays. Later Param Poojya Sri Gurudev HIMSELF distributed the prasad.
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